Our Story

SDG House TImeline

  • September 2017

  • 2017-2020

  • November 2020

  • March 2021

  • Start of SDG House

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute launched “SDG House” in its landmark building located in Amsterdam, creating a space for like-minded people to meet, connect and work together to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    Today, KIT (also known as SDG House Amsterdam) is a thriving community of experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals with a membership of 60+ organisations.

  • Expanding the Network

    Since 2017, SDG House has expanded from its first location in Amsterdam into a diverse network spanning across the country, with locations in Den Haag, Utrecht and Maastricht.

    This network of SDG Houses brings together partners working to accelerate the SDG Agenda on a national and global scale through innovation, education and collaboration.

    Each SDG House is a regional or municipal hotspot for sustainability events and entrepreneurship, convening people who share the common purpose of achieving the SDGs.

    Our ambition is a worldwide network of SDG Houses connecting and facilitating people, companies and other organisations that want to “Walk the Talk”.

  • Launcing the Network

    The network of SDG Houses was established in 2020 with the aim to inspire and activate companies, knowledge institutions, governments, and citizens to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs in the Netherlands. The nine initiators of the network are organizations and business locations that are themselves sustainable ‘hotspots’ at a local level that promote collaboration, knowledge exchange and entrepreneurship for sustainable development.

  • SDG Traineeship

    As an increasing number of entrepreneurs are striving to implement the SDGs, we believe that it is important to help prepare the coming working generation in becoming future-proof professionals, or as we like to call them, “SDG Professionals”. Besides, young people are ever-present in the strife towards a sustainable and inclusive future for all!

    SDG House launched the 15-week SDG Traineeship for young people to pave a career path within the field of sustainability whilst making concrete steps in achieving the SDGs

    Simultaneously, we offer businesses a chance to work with a group of SDG Trainees on a real business case that is in line with sustainability and inclusivity – it’s a win-win!

Our Team

Mena Leila Kilani

Thijs Bentvelzen

Rigo Stegeman